by Cool Toys | Jan 1, 2019 | Season Two
CoolToys host Scott goes out and tests surfboard wax replacements. First there was Versasurf’s #versatraction, followed by Hexatraction, and finally the knockoff from Israel that looked like it belonged in a bathtub. While there were nearly a dozen other...
by Cool Toys | Nov 1, 2018 | Season 1
The Amazon Echo dot when added to an Echo offers some great options for music at home when combined with Amazon Music. The CoolToys Studio is equipped with a Channel Vision A-Bus distributed audio system. If you watched the previous review and test, you know there was...
by Cool Toys | Oct 1, 2018 | Season 1
A-Bus is an industry standard (sort of) for whole home audio solutions. As our world gets more and more wireless, the range and dependability of the wireless systems becomes an issue. At COOLTOYS we have found that wired is always the best but the cost can be...