by Cool Toys | Jul 28, 2019 | CruToys
La Vacharie – Nantes France. That Grill is a CruToy! The V-9 stove at the front door is a CoolToy! CruToys – Just the Good Stuff, because some things are pretty cool, but our wives like them too. Cru is the French word for “Raw” or...
by Cool Toys | May 1, 2019 | CruToys, More CoolToys, Season 2
Is Cold Brew the answer to the CoolToys Caffeine problem on hot summer days? As you might guess, a web series runs on a lot of caffeine. To solve the plastic water bottle problem, we started using insulated re-usable tumblers and having larger re-fillable water...
by Cool Toys | Apr 10, 2019 | CruToys, Season 2
The Jeep JL or the Jeep JK That is THE Question! Dealers are making deals. The Jeep JK and JL are both on the lot. In fact in 2018, Jeep was selling both the JK and JL models and many dealers still have both 2018 models hiding out back with great prices on them. We...
by Cool Toys | Jul 1, 2018 | CruToys, Season 1
Soundproofing is a myth, and Acoustiblok VP Sean Saathoff tells us why. If there is no such thing as soundproofing, why bother you ask? At COOLTOYS we are always looking for great ways to be better neighbors and still have COOLTOYS. Yup we’ll admit a few of our...