COOLTOYS Box Opening Hero Grill and ??

COOLTOYS Box Opening Hero Grill and ??

Box opening of the Hero grill and more at COOLTOYS TV COOLTOYS host Scott will be opening a few items that came in during the break. They might make the show and they might not. He’ll also be testing outage virtual audience system on F2S.Live with a new setup....
COOLTOYS® Tests F2S.Live?

COOLTOYS® Tests F2S.Live?

COOLTOYS TV host has a problem with season three. The fans weren’t there. Sadly it isn’t looking like Season 4 (we are hoping to find the sponsors to make sure we have one) is going to be any different. So what’s a host to do? Create Fan2Stage®. The...
COOLTOYS TV Roku Channel Goes Live

COOLTOYS TV Roku Channel Goes Live

Stream COOLTOYS® to your big screen at home with the COOLTOYS TV Roku channel. The live show isn’t yet streaming anywhere but here at COOLTOYS.TV All past episodes including the QuarantStream specials are on the new Roku Channel. The COOLTOYS.TV Roku Channel is...
COOLTOYS Season 4, RCatHome and More

COOLTOYS Season 4, RCatHome and More

COOLTOYS Season 4 is in development as I write this. While it is very exciting to think of a season four, there are some hurdles to overcome. Quite frankly I have had fun in Season 3, but it didn’t have the reach or the energy of Season one and two. Covid had a...
Caribou Slobber, Cars and Cool Toys.

Caribou Slobber, Cars and Cool Toys.

The home brew Caribou Slobber is done and boys talk cars before giving it a try. The CoolToys season three finale looks at the new 911 Heritage and Josh hopes to find a running hot rod and and a finished batch of Carbou Slobber home brew. As California slowly opens up...
CoolToys Upgrade to V2.0 – Intro

CoolToys Upgrade to V2.0 – Intro

The CoolToys Upgrade is about to happen. Want to know more, check it out! There is going to be a whole lot more to CoolToys TV for the second version. We were going to call it season three but that just did not seem right given how different it will be. Instead we are...

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