The sales of RC Cars are off the charts. Do you need one? If so which RC car do you buy?
If you are at home and need a hobby, buying an RC Car might be a great place to start. The problem is that there are literally hundreds of options. You can spend $19 or $900. So which car is right for you and how much should you spend? How do you know the right one to buy?
If you have kids that you are going to share your new hobby with, you may need a different type of car than someone who doesn’t. The age of your kids might make a difference. Host Scott doesn’t have kids and he went big with his RC Cars, but was that the right way to go? If you watch the full video he’ll tell you why he went big and you’ll see if it might be the right way to go for you.
Which RC Cars to Buy For Kids?

Josh on the other hand has two kids and a very different approach. His younger kid is a machine that can destroy anything in his path. Except Scott’s Bandit made it through the crash without any noticeable damage. Don’t worry, he tried his best and instead… Well watch the show and you’ll find out.
When thinking of which RC Cars to buy, you will find the hobby can be a great way to stay social and socially distant. It is also family friendly You can race indoors or outdoors depending on where you live, how big your RC Car is or the weather. Race tracks for these little cars are limited only by your imagination.
Video games offer one version of social distancing fun and Radio Control Cars are another. Coming up, Josh will add a camera and FPV goggles to the RC Car game.
Scott discussed a Rock Crawler Jeep that ran part of the Rubicon. That was a 1/10 Axial crawler with a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Body on it.