CoolToys need Cool People

CoolToys need Cool People

What does it mean to be “cool” how do things become a “cool toy’ and how do you get “cool toys approved”?  It starts with Cool People. Are you Cool? Cool is a funny word, we use it a lot to mean things are good or acceptable.  But at CoolToys we have a slightly...
Jeep Sahara V Rubicon | CoolToys ® EP 4_08

Jeep Sahara V Rubicon | CoolToys ® EP 4_08

Monday Oct 31st 2022 at 5PM Watch here or on YouTube CoolToys TV Host Scott Bourquin and Dominique Simon from Nantes et Vous TV talk about Jeeps. We thought the question would be “Sahara or Rubicon” but apparently Scott’s French is not that great so...


At COOLTOYS we are always looking for the next COOLTOY our wives won’t approve and we’ll want to buy anyway.

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